
BIG_class x_22032018

Name        : Class        : x Subject     : Date        :   Answer the question based on the text below. A week ago was my birthday. It was ridiculous when I found my self alone at home. My family give me a surprise. I woke up early that morning but I didn’t find anybody. Neither my parents nor my brother where in the house. The living room was dark.

Narrative text_27022018

Name  : Class    : Date    : Re        : Narrative text. Narrative text adalah salah satu pelajaran paling sering muncul dalam dunia pendidikan bahasa Inggris di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu kita setidaknya mampu memahami contoh narrative text dengan sangat baik agar nanti ketika kita membaca cerita bahasa Inggris, kita langsung mampu mencerna cerita tersebut. Belajar bahasa Inggris di tingkat menengah (SMK) kini tidak akan lepas dari pelajaran “wajib” tentang narrative text. Dalam

Short story

Many years ago an English lady in Africa was invited by an important local chief to be the first person to use his new bath-the first one in that part of Africa. The lady went into the bath-house, turn on the taps and go into the nice, warm water. But when she looked up, she was frightened to see an eye watching her trough a hole. She got out, dressed